Rising Star Award for Dr Nishant Kumar – Eye Surgeon and Fulbright Scholar – Afternoon Despatch & Courier

The Indian Academy of Diabetes awarded Dr Nishant Kumar with the Indian Academy of Diabetes – Sanofi, Rising Star Award for 2015 at the International Symposium of Diabetes held in Mumbai.
Dr Nishant Kumar is a Consultant Ophthalmologist and Vitreo-Retinal Surgeon who returned to Mumbai in late 2014 after having trained and lived in the UK for the past 14 years. He now works as a Consultant Ophthalmologist with expertise in uveitis and the medical and surgical management of complex diseases affecting the posterior segment (vitreous, retina and macula) at the P D Hinduja Hospital, Mahim and the Hinduja Healthcare Surgical Hospital, Khar.
Dr Kumar is one of the only eye doctors in India to have completed multiple Fellowships (advanced training) in Uveitis (diseases of infection and inflammation affecting the eye), Medical Retina and Surgical Retina both in the UK and USA. Prior to returning back home, he was a Consultant Eye Surgeon at the famous Moorfields Eye Hospital in London.
Moorfields Eye Hospital in London is the oldest, largest and is considered the most prestigious eye hospital in the world. It is one of the leading eye institutes providing super-specialist care for patients not only from London and the UK but it also attracts patients with complex and complicated eye problems from all parts of the world. At Moorfields Eye Hospital in London he was part of the Medical Retina, Vitreo-Retina (surgical retina), Uveitis and Cataract services providing medical and surgical expertise.
In 2010, in recognition of his expertise and his efforts in clinical research, clinical trials, teaching and his involvement with the Department of Health and the Royal College of Ophthalmologists he was awarded the prestigious Fulbright Scholarship.
The Fulbright Program, is a program of highly competitive, merit-based grants for international educational exchange for students, scholars, teachers, professionals, scientists and artists. The U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs sponsors the Fulbright Program from an annual appropriation from the US Congress.
The Fulbright Program is one of the most prestigious awards programs worldwide, operating in over 155 countries. Fifty-three Fulbright alumni have won Nobel Prizes; seventy-eight have won Pulitzer Prizes. More Nobel laureates are former Fulbright recipients than any other award program
Dr Kumar returned home as he feels there is a need for a good institution in Mumbai which not only provides clinical and surgical excellence that is comparable globally, but also provides a patient experience that can rival the best centers globally.
Article Source: Afternoon Despatch & Courier | January 14, 2015